Universidad Adolfo Ibañez




Pedro Ibáñez Santa María

Vice Chairman

Andrés Iacobelli del Río


  • Felipe Bulnes Serrano
  • Kathleen Barclay
  • Fernando Massú Taré
  • Juan Francisco Levine Lira
  • Andrés Iacobelli del Río
  • Sandra Marta Guazzotti
  • Pilar Alamos Concha

Honorary Board Members

  • José María Eyzaguirre
Adolfo Ibáñez Foundation Board


Pedro Ibáñez Santa María


Kathleen Barclay


Felipe Bulnes Serrano


  • Nicolás Ibáñez Scott
  • Fernando Massú Taré
  • María Gracia Cariola Cubillos
  • Rosario Ibáñez Peña
  • Nicolás Ibáñez Varela
  • Maximiliano Ibáñez Bulnes
Honorary Academic Members

UAI grants the title of Honorary Academic Member to noteworthy personalities whose work has been recognized as exemplary for the purposes of the university.

Mario Vargas Llosa, 2018
Writer and Nobel Prize Winner in Literature
Deirdre McCkloskey, 2016
Professor of History and Economics at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Niall Ferguson, 2014
Vernon Smith, 2012
Nobel Prize Winner in Economics
Ricardo Piglia, 2011
Argentine Novelist and Essayist
Ottfried Höffe, 2010
Professor of Political Philosophy, Tübingen
Quentin Skinner, 2009
Regius Professor of History, Cambridge
Carlo Ginzburg, 2008
Professor of Philosophy and History, UCLA
Monseñor Jorge Medina Estévez, 1996
Chilean Philosopher and Theologian
Michael Porter, 1995
Strategy Professor, Harvard
Antonio Millán-Puelles, 1995
Spanish Philosopher and Writer
Redes Sociales